Do you have any questions? +49 (0) 4791 / 6427

  • The most experienced and successfull Velodrome builder in the world. The third generation of the German family Von Luetcken is proud to present the fastest and best quality Velodromes.
  • As certificated partner of the UCI we guarantee your worldcups, events and a high booking of your velodrome on the highest standard.
  • Enjoy exploring our presentation, references, gallery of velodromes and do not hesitate to contact us for informations, projecting and - of course - building your velodrome!

velotrack process

- size, layout, options of the track itself
- facilities: roofing, tribune, room, surrounding
- time line

- drawings of the track
- architectal proposals
- detailed planning and offer request

- quotation
- offer with time scedule

Track Building

Velotrack has it´s own, certified system by the UCI for construction, allignment and finish. For example the UCI and elite-cyclists voted the latest track in Toronto as „best track ever in the world ...“

Individual solutions

Track-gates, special handrails, whatever you desire to add or biuld to your track: ask us!


Your wooden track has holes, is partly damaged? Don´t hesitate to ask for a repair!

Track Refurbishment

You have a track of concrete and the normal cracks, holes and stress fractures? Don´t think about doing the same fault again / refurbish to a wooden-outdoor track! We guarantee minimum 25 years of perfect use!

Mobile Track for rent / lease

Velotrack has two mobile tracks for events like six-days with category 2 approval you can rent after booking. Please send the inquiry!

Time Measurement

As installation or operational service: we offer complete systems AND the operational service for your event.

Walter von Lütcken
Senior Manager
+49 173 935 0710
Jeffrey Jesussek
Managing Director
+49 171 280 8682
Franziska von Lütcken
Team Assistant
+49 (0) 174 204 2605
Peter Jacques
Prof. Cyclist & Consultant

Heads of Velotrack about their company

Since short after establishment Velo Track belongs to a small select group of 2 worldwide leading companys in terms of track cycling, building catagory 1 olympic standard velodromes.

— Raymond

The crucial step for Velo Track was the concept to build a mobile track in the year 2006. This 200 meter track was the cornerstone to the new company.

— Walter von Lütcken
Senior Manager Velotrack

Get in touch

VeloTrack GmbH & Co. KG
Am Binnenfeld 11
27711 Osterholz-Scharmbeck

+49 (0) 4791 / 6427

+49 (0) 4791 / 12319

About us

The most experienced and successfull Velodrome builder in the world. The third generation of the German family Von Luetcken is proud to present the fastest and best quality Velodromes.

As certificated partner of the UCI we guarantee your worldcups, events and a high booking of your velodrome on the highest standard.

Write us

Please calculate 7 plus 8.


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